Egg to Hen-Amazing Photos

Egg to hen
A hen can lay 6 eggs per week; it takes about 25 hours for the hen to make one.
Eggs photos
Young hen lay small but freequent eggs; as they get older they produce big eggs, but less frequently.
making of a hen
A natural protective layer on egg is called 'bloom'. washing them removes this layer thus damaging it.
egg to chicken photos
Calcium deposite on egg is specific to the hen. A hen deposites the same amount of calcium in all its eggs.
whaty was created first? egg or hen?
The quality of egg in terms of nutrition is dependent on the quality of food they take.
egg to hen
Usually, a red eared chicken produce brown colored egg; while chicken with white ear lobe produce white eggs.
amazing egg photos
Egg production can be increased by adjusting the light. They lay eggs more frequently when they have atleast 14 hours of natural or artificial light in a day.
some egg facts
Eggs produced in the absence of a rooster is not fertile. they will not hatch if you put them in an incubator.
facts about eggs
Nutritional value of egg is different in free ranging hen and in battery hen.
facts about making a hen
Currently there are more than 150 chicken species and hundrends of chicken breeds.
egg to hen facts