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A Life without Complaints

kerala friend

A Life without Complaints

Sometimes, we take our trials, our sufferings, our ordeals too seriously.

The message below will make you think twice before complaining. Again,

let's make the best out of what we have.

Be Deliberate, Be Positive and STAY Committed! Heavenly day everyone.

If you think you are unhappy, look at them

If you think your salary is low, how about her?

If you think you don't have many friends...

If you think study is a burden, how about her?

When you feel like giving up, think of this man

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?

If your society is unfair to you, how about her?

Enjoy life how it is and as it comes

There are many things in your life that will catch your eye
but only a few will catch your heart....pursue those

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