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The world full of holes: Cracks and holes formed on roads

kerala friend

Cracks and holes formed on roads around the world-some awesome images

Cracks and holes

The exact cause of the holes formed on earth is still unkonwn. Scientists are investigating the exact cause of it and they have found some of the common reasons behind this.

Holes on roads

Some of the main reasons of holes formed on earth are movement of earth plate beneath it. The same reason is applied to earth quakes also. The earth plates are constantly moving in such a slow speed that we will not be able to feel it. But this movement causes some empty places inside and this eventually becomes a huge hole on the surface of the earth.

moving earth plates

The other most common reason is the flow of under water. There is a water flow beneath the surface of earth which sometimes sweeps the soil on a particular area resulting in holes or craks on earth surfaces.

Under water flow

When it happens to roads with heavy traffic, it leads to major accidents and loss of lives.


Scientists can not predict the chances of such hole or craks making it difficult to prevent damage or injury.


Some suggests that, there will be an increased risk of volcano formation or earth quakes in areas with such hole and cracks.

earth quakes

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