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Amazing birthdates-born on 10-10-10

kerala friend

Amazing birthdates! Children in this family was born on funny dates. It is really amazing.

The 10/10/10 baby (with a 09/09/09 brother and an 08/08/08 sister)

In a big household, it can be difficult to keep track of everyone's birthdays.

But the Soper family probably find it a little easier than most.

Their latest addition, Cearra, arrived on 10/10/10 - joining Cameron, born on 09/09/09, and Chloe, born on 08/08/08.

mazing odds: Barbara and Chad Soper show off their third child, Cearra, born on 10/10/2010, with Chloe, born on 8/8/2008 and Cameron, who was born on 9/9/2009

Mother Barbara Soper, 36, described Cearra as a 'little miracle', adding: 'Chloe is lucky number eight, Cameron is lucky number nine and she is our lucky number ten.

Hopefully, they will have their next child on 11/11/11
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