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Different moods in an office: Really funny

kerala friend

Funny pictures: different moods in an office illustrated with nice animated cartoons. Really funny: enjoy

Moods in the office….. !

Boss is not here

Boss is not here

Boss is calling

Boss is calling

In a meeting

In a meeting



Tea break

Tea break

Before noon on weekend

Before noon on weekend

Ready for getting off work

getting off work

Tomorrow is a holiday.


Got today's target from boss

Got today's target from boss

Tough target

Tough target

Find impossible to meet boss's requirement

impossible to meet boss's requirement

OT for 2hrs

Overtime for 2hrs

OT for a whole nigh

Overtime a whole nigh

Being notified to OT on weekends

Overtime on weekends

Meet with 'Sorry-I-Don't-Know'clients


Made mistakes in work

Made mistakes in work

Little achievement

Little achievement

Frustrating things happens



Finance person doesn't give the money:

No salary

Being advised NO BONUS this year


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