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First aid for cuts and wounds

kerala friend

First aid for cuts and wounds 1

Wash your hands thoroughly before treating the wound.

First aid for cuts and wounds 2

Gently brush away any foreign object on the surface, such as gravel or sand.

First aid for cuts and wounds 3

Clean the wound and surrounding area, wiping away from the wound, using sterile swabs, warm and sterile water, and a mild antiseptic.

First aid for cuts and wounds 4

Pat dry the skin around the wound but do not wipe away blood clots.

First aid for cuts and wounds 5

Apply a sterile, non-adherent dressing, if necessary.

First aid for cuts and wounds 6

Stop any bleeding by applying direct pressure.

First aid for cuts and wounds 7

Cut away or remove the clothing around the wound.

First aid for cuts and wounds 8

Carefully clean the wound if it is not bleeding and apply a sterile dressing.

First aid for cuts and wounds 9

If the wound is dirty or caused by a rusty object, a tetanus toxoid injection may be needed.

First aid for cuts and wounds 10

If a limb is affected, raise it, unless you suspect a fracture. Seek medical aid.

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