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Amazing Paintings

kerala friend

Amazing Paintings

Painting is an art and mode of expression. There are several methods of expression through painting. Painting can be naturalistic or representational. Below are the examples of naturalistic (real life) paintings.

Amazing Paintings

Intensity has an important role in paintings. If one paints using the same intensity of colour for a white wall, it will not seem to be real life. Adjusting the intensity of colours to represent the shadows and other perseptive effects are thus really important.

Amazing Paintings

Selection and use of colour in painting is like use of pitch and tone in a music. In representational paintings, different colours represents different emotions and situations. This varies with culture and regions. In real life paintings, different combinations of colour is needed to make the painting real.

Amazing Paintings

Modern painters use non-traditional elements in paintings. These include sand, texture, cement and wood. Use of such practices has changed the concept of traditional painting and added extra beauty in their paintings.

Amazing Paintings

Rhythm is important in music as well as painting. Here the rhythm represents the freedom of perception and increases the aesthetic value of a painting considerably.

Amazing Paintings

Oil painting is the most popular form of painting. Here the pigments are bound with a drying oil base such as linseed oil and used for painting. This preparation is known as Varnishes. These are popular for their glow and perceptional beauty.

Amazing Paintings

Amazing Paintings

Amazing Paintings
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