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Black hole: The unresolved mystery

The concept of existence of black hole has been a head ache for the scientists for many decades and it still continues to be a mystery that our science could find no explanation yet. Albert Einstein in 1916 formulated a theory known as general relativity theory which explains the gravitational force of planets. This theory became the mother of the concept of black holes. It is really interesting to know about these concepts and dilemma it causes among the scientists.
Black hole: The unresolved mystery

Posted on 02-10-13

Some amazing fruits that prevent cancer

Some amazing fruits that prevent cancer
It contains mono saturated fatty acids which are healthy, Vitamin E and some carotene which is essential in fighting cancer. It helps in absorption of many nutrients and also fights oral, breast and gastric cancer. It also provides a smooth skin tone.

Some amazing fruits that prevent cancer

Posted on 19-02-13

Prophecy about Roman Catholic Church and Pope

Prophecy about Roman Catholic Church and Pope
Saint Malachy was an Irish saint, who was the first to be cannonised by the pope. He is famous for his Prophecy of the popes. It was a list of 112 future Popes of Roman Catholic Church begining with Pope Celestine II.

Prophecy about Roman Catholic Church and Pope

Posted on 10-12-12

A Practical Invention by Tintumon

Petrol prizes are on hike in India. Few litters of petrol will empty the pocket of an average Indian. If you think of changing to a diesel engine, there also you will have no hope. Tax on diesel engine has doubled. What else a person can do in this crisis?

A Practical Invention by Tintumon

Posted on 1-6-12

A Indian Brain-Funny Story

This is not a story but a true incident that happened in USA.*

Indian Brain True Story

Posted on 1-6-12

Beware of these dangerous shampoos

Very Important! Forward 2 all plz.......

Dear ALL,


Dangerous Shampoo!!!

Posted on 06-01-12

Is Taj Mahal cheaper OR Ambanis House ?

Is Taj Mahal cheaper OR Ambanis House ?

Is Taj Mahal cheaper OR Ambani's House ?

Mukesh Ambani builds a $2 Billion House in Mumbai(India). The world’s most expensive house. What does a $2 Billion Dollar house look like?Read More...

Posted on 06-01-12

Animal Fashion

Some funny pictures of Animal Fashion

Posted on 06-01-12

It May Look Like Chicken, But Is It?

It May Look Like Chicken, But Is It? This is for all of the people who order chicken from a Chinese restaurantRead More...

Posted on 06-01-12

Nice lesson for all of us (Dont miss it)

This is a nice story illustrated with attractive images that conveys an important message to all of us. Think twice before you do something. There are some things we cannot correct once it is done. Never hurt anyone without knowing the exact truth. A wounded body may heal, but a wounded heart never does.Read More...

Posted on 15-09-2011

A beautiful message for all my friends

This is a beautiful and meaningful message about the importance of a girl or a women in this world. Women and Men are important for the nature. Both are needed for the life on earth. So stop discrimination and respect everyone as human beings. Forward this message to your friends and save lives on earth.Read More...

Posted on 15-09-2011

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