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Some amazing fruits that prevent cancer

kerala friend

Some amazing fruits that prevent cancer

1. Avocado (Butter fruit)

It contains mono saturated fatty acids which are healthy, Vitamin E and some carotene which is essential in fighting cancer. It helps in absorption of many nutrients and also fights oral, breast and gastric cancer. It also provides a smooth skin tone.

2. Hawthorn

It is mainly used as an appetizer. It helps in lowering your fat content in blood. It helps in maintaining a healthy heart and vascular system. It is rich in Vitamin C. It helps in fighting male and female reproductive cancers.

3. Kiwi

It is a good source of vitamin C. Its antioxidant properties help in preventing all types of cancers.

4. Citrus fruits

These groups of fruits are the richest source of Vitamin C. It has well anti oxidant properties. It is good for both preventing cancer and for maintaining beauty.

5. Raspberry

It is a good source of ellagic acid, which gives its cancer fighting properties. It promotes ‘conditioned cell suicide’ of abnormal cells. In cancerous state, this property of cell is inhibited causing abnormal replication of genetically damaged cells. Anthocyanidins found in Raspberries has a strong anti-oxidant property. This compound gives its strong red color.

6. Papaya

Papaya contains lycopene which is proven to be effective in preventing prostrate cancer. beta-crypoxanthin is a carotinoid found in papaya which prevents lung cancer. It is also a good source of Vitamin C and Folic acid.

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